Mullard Radio Astronomy Observatory

Google EarthTM view of Railway Track

The telescopes were built on the old Bedford-Cambridge railway line at Lord's Bridge. Only the right hand 4, in the group of 5 on the extreme right, were moveable along a 1.2 km rail track. The track extended out of the picture to the right (West). The other 4 were all fixed at 1.2 km intervals along the trackbed as the railway was dead straight, apart from the one on the extreme left (East) where the track curved. The fact that the line was almost exactly East-West was also very beneficial for the operation of the telescopes as it used the rotation of the Earth to effectively sweep the sky over an extended time period.

Lord's Bridge station is just to the right of where the main road crosses the old railway. There was originally a bridge over the railway but this has long since been removed.

These views are from 2007. The current Google EarthTM view shows the telescopes grouped in the one location.

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